Características: Leche cruda de cabra. Cuajo animal. Coagulación enzimática. 60 días de maduración. Queso de pasta semidura y prensada. Peso de 0,7 kg aproximadamente.
Aspecto exterior: Formato cilíndrico liso, de poca altura y con caras planas.
Corteza fina, rojiza, debida al tratamiento con pimentón de la vera, de aspecto uniforme y bien repartido.
Aspecto interior: Al corte posee un color marfil, con ojos pequeños y escasos repartidos de manera regular.
Olor: Láctico, caprino suave y especiado a pimentón. Notas grasas de aceite de oliva.
Textura en boca: Firmeza media-alta, friable. Solubilidad de tipo medio. Granulosidad de tipo harina gruesa.
Sabor: Acidez muy elegante y un punto de sal que refuerza el sabor. Aromas vegetales y especiados (pimentón) bien conjuntados con los animales caprinos. Regusto picante (rancio sutil) muy agradable. Alta persistencia en boca.

Feature: Made of raw goat milk. It´s curdled animal and enzymatic coagulation. 60 days of maturation. Half hard and pressed cheese paste. Approximate weight 0,7 kilogram.
Appearance external: Cylindrical and smooth format with a little height and with flat faces. Thin reddish crust due to the treatment with La Vera smoked peppers, of uniform appearance and well distributed.
Appearance internal: When de performing the cutting of the cheese, it has an ivory color, with a little and scarce eyes, distributed regularly.
Smell: Lactic soft goat and spices to smoked pepper aroma. It has an olive oil fat notes.
Texture in mouth: High-medium steadiness and the freeze sensation in the mouth. Medium type solubility. It has a thick flour type granularity.
Flavor: Very elegant acidity and with a point of slat that strengthen the taste. It has vegetable and spices (smoked peppers) well-assembled fragrance with the goat flavor. It has a very pleasant and persistent spicy like (with a subtle rancid flavor) with high persistence in mouth.